These past few weeks have been so busy with school and shooting that I haven't had hardly any time to put pictures up! Therefore, I'm fixing the problem with this massive post. In the past few weeks I gotten to take pictures of so much. There's April, a girl I've babysat since she was about 5, and she is so beautiful in her new point shoes. I've also finalized my portfolio that I'll be sending out to various art schools. I went to visit my friend Elayna and had a ball at this little coffee shop and taking our "senior pictures" again. Finally, I was blessed with the opportunity to take pictures of my neighbor and her boyfriend. They brought along his best friend and it was just a blast. Enjoy!
April goes up on her tippy toes.

She's just a gorgeous girl. I can't believe how grown up she is!

Take it all back- from a line of a poem I did a series on.
Of course I had to take back Birdy!

Shoes hanging showing how we define femininity today.

Travel, the third installment of my series.

I got a little creative with the cream left in my almond chai latte.

Elayna and I explore the classic senior shot- train+leaning+
looking at the camera+perfect smile=awesome.

the best coffee shop in Sioux Falls hands down is Queen City Coffee.
If you live there or are just passing through, go there ASAP.

The boys livening up the shoot by looking like modern day Tarzan's in their tree.

We found this little bridge and started shooting when I noticed how
perfect the background was. Like a little rural haven!

Found places to shoot are the best. I'm still amazed at how well this shot turned out.