Friday, July 31, 2009

Some Fun Stuff

For my birthday Chance took me to.....

They even gave me some birthday ice cream complete with a fire cracker. Afterwards, it was just

And the man with the sushi skills (much more useful than nunchuck skills)

And the best part is that I got the ugly doll I've been eyeing for the past few months! Meet birdy, you'll be seeing some of the adventures he goes on from time to time from now on. Oh, and I gave myself a new wallet too.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Starting Out

As a 20th birthday present to myself, I am beginning a blog to try and accomplish something. Currently, I am trying to decide what to do with my life. I narrowed it down to either psychology (to one day be a clinical child psychologist) or photography. I know I can study, but I'm not sure if I'm any good with a camera in my hands, thus, the blog. I recently promised myself to take one picture that I like everyday and so to begin here are some of my favorite shots to date. The first photo is of my boyfriend and I's bowling shoes, the second is Kylie through her playhouse window, the third is Raegan's shoe (I babysit both little girls), and the forth is a picture I took for the tulip festival's photo contest. I hope you enjoy my blog!