So, for our one year anniversary (dating) Chance and I celebrated by going to the cliffs with a grocery bag packed full of candles, chocolate, plastic wine glasses, and sparkling grape juice. We explored the cliffs all day and then enjoyed the sunset with our amenities. It was so fun. Next year we're going to top it by adding real wine glasses and real wine (since we'll be 21). Oh and no creepy man threatening to call the cops cause we had some candles and went over the fence. Note, it's not cool to threaten someone when they're already complying with your demands. Yesterday we went to 500 days of summer and then hit up locals night in huntington. The movie was very good and super artsy, the bacon wrapped hot dogs we ate were super tasty. All in all a great day. So here's some pics from the two days. I hope you all are doing well!
Favorite things from the cliffs:

I love sunset pictures and flowers.

Hermit Crabs!

interesting artifacts

little dandilions that dare to stand out

water rushing through rock crevices

big crabs

finding little flowers you've never seen before

surprising my boy with his favorite ugly doll

biting the bullet

taking a torpedo to the face
Here's the pics from last night. The sunset was so majestic, it made me feel so small and priveledged to see and capture with my little pink cybershot. No matter what, always go back to nature for inspiration. It's always more majestic than anything made by man.

I started reading a book called "Learning to Think Creatively" and so, as an ode to my
new teacher, I took this shot from the perspective of the worm.

I wish that we had cool looking mailboxes like this back home. It would make
sending snail mail so much more fun!
Hey there... those are some amazing photos... Seriously.