I finally found internet! Yay! So here are some pictures from what we've been up to lately. Last week saturday we explored around 2nd street in long beach and it was so fun. I found this shirt that said "love youself is the secret." I really want that shirt cause I think too often I get caught up in trying to please everyone around me and forget to make sure that I'm happy first. Because when you really think about it, if you're happy, the people around you are going to be happy and be happy for you. Then it's a whole circle of happy! So, I kinda want that shirt.

cars in fish!

the outfit. Add some skinny jeans and we're in business.

long beach sunset
Then I taught Langdon some swimming lessons during the week and worked with him on multiplication tables. I love that kid, but he is slower than anyone I have ever seen when it comes to sitting him down to do his multiplication.

The dreaded multiplication cards- handmade cause we couldn't find his other ones!

classic Langdon face
I found some sweet coffee shops in Long Beach and so far viento y agua is my favorite. Everything is organic or better than fair trade. Tonight Chance and I are going to meet Lauren there for open mic night and listen to all the off the map people express themselves. Yay! I'm so excited. I love hanging out there.

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