Tuesday, August 11, 2009


So I was looking at this cute leather jacket online (cause I want to get a leather jacket to wear with lots of dresses cause I think wearing dresses all the time is awesome) and I stumbled on this contest to win a trip with TOM's shoes and Element skateboards. So I'm going to try my luck at this contest with this little essay. Read it and tell me what you think!

To begin, I want to divulge that I have no experience with skateboarding. What I do have is a passion for social justice and a passion for kids. After reading a novel about one abused girl’s journey towards regaining her life as an innocent child, I felt a need to actively take part in changing the lives of impoverished and neglected children. By giving a child a pair of shoes, a skateboard and some undivided attention, that child gains so much more than a toy and some kicks. The act of true giving mandates that the benefactor also give love and respect. When a child feels this love and respect it cultivates a love and respect of self; two invaluable tools for future happiness. Given that boost the can help a child grow mentally, emotionally and (and, of course) physically. TOM’s and Element’s partnership in generosity helps to provide this necessary boost. I want to be a part of this amazing project because I’m tired of the distance we put between ourselves and the world’s desperate need for help. Society has a problem with passively letting the needs of the world be contained to 30 second sound bites and bumper stickers. We are content to give a sad sigh and move on immediately. Instead of continuing this constant compartmentalization, I want to help solve the poorly presented, easily ignored problems that need immediate attention. Because, as I see it, one pair of shoes and a skateboard can take a child much further than just down the road.

Here's a pic that I took a long time ago that I put into my skies photo essay. I hope you like it. I love clouds cause they always remind me of the verse "the clouds are the dust of his feet." Even if you don't believe in God, I think the thought of someone tromping around up there, looking over things is pretty comforting. Ok, picture now.

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